Say it with wildflowers! Our Wildflower Bouquet is a gorgeous gift that is perfect for any occasion. Made up of locally sourced wildflower natives, including sweet William, this beautiful arrangement is sure to make a statement. Whether you're sending birthday wishes, celebrating an anniversary, thanking someone special, or wishing them well, this bouquet is the perfect choice. As a florist business, we take great care in selecting the most beautiful and fresh flowers, ensuring that your gift will be nothing short of stunning.

Consists of:
5 x Florists Choice Gypsy
2 x Florists Choice Native bunch

Or 4 installments of $26.38 by Afterpay
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For when you don't mind which colour and you're happy to leave it to the experts. Your florist will choose their favourite colours of the day.

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Hand made to order by our own expert florists
Market fresh flowers sourced daily
Delivery notification when your order arrives
Same day delivery available if ordered by 2pm
We're here to help (Contact Us)

Customers who recently bought Wildflower Bouquet said:

The flowers are lovely, all flowers are! But they looked quite different to what was advertised. I understand bouquets will differ but in the picture there seemed to be more big native flowers and my nans ones were on the smaller side.

customer rating overall service
7 / 10
Emma, 07 January 2025

Beautiful quality of flowers at a reasonable price and we like that they also donate to charity a portion of sales

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Joanne, 06 January 2025

Flowers Across Melbourne were excellent and delivered the flowers on time. Not only did they let me know when the order was going but also when it was delivered. They’re professional and efficient.

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Priti, 08 July 2024

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