Brighten someone's day with our Mixed Bright Rose Vase, skillfully created by our expert florists. This eye-catching arrangement showcases eighteen premium mixed bright roses, artfully arranged in a sleek glass square vase and finished with box foliage for a touch of natural beauty. No matter the occasion - be it a birthday, anniversary, thank you, or get well gesture - these stunning roses are sure to convey your heartfelt sentiments.
Consists of:
1 x Box Foliage
6 x Orange Roses 50cm
6 x Yellow Roses 50cm
6 x Hot Pink Roses 50cm
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 18cm
Height: 20cm
Market fresh flowers sourced daily
Delivery notification when your order arrives
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Customers who recently bought Mixed Bright Rose Vase said:
The flowers arrived exactly as pictured, and your communication was excellent
Sarah, 02 June 2024
The flowers looked fresh and beautiful upon arrival, thank you for the quality service!
Cindy, 06 July 2022
The rose arrangement in the vase was beautiful. The flowers were extremely good quality
Kerryn, 27 June 2020
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