Make a bold gesture with a gift that's truly grand and unique, like our Love Blossoms bouquet! This stunner really stands out thanks to eye-catching gerberas, exquisite chrysanthemum disbuds, slender carnations,emile, lisianthus, and peach roses, while magnolia and sea holly foliage is generously scattered throughout.

Consists of:
1 x Trop Tops
3 x Sea Holly
3 x Purple Misty/Emile
3 x White Carnations (Sim)
3 x White Gerberas
3 x White Lisianthus
3 x Roses White 50cm
3 x White Coloured Disbuds


Vases have been matched to your chosen arrangement to enhance their display. Your gift will arrive already arranged inside the vase, water and all.

Or 4 installments of $42.48 by Afterpay

Colour: White


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