Embrace the beauty of nature with our Field of Flowers Bouquet, perfect for any special occasion. This carefully crafted arrangement is a symphony of chrysanthemums, statice, oriental lilies, golden cane, carnations, roses, and a monstera leaf - a true garden masterpiece. Whether you want to surprise your loved one on their birthday, show gratitude with a unique thank-you gift, or celebrate your anniversary, our bouquet will evoke joy and admiration. Trust our florists to deliver your message elegantly through this stunning bouquet.
Consists of:
3 x Hot Pink Carnations (Sim)
3 x Golden Rod
3 x Orange Chrysanthemums
3 x Pale Pink Oriental Lilies
1 x Monstera Leaf
3 x Yellow Sunflowers
3 x Purple Statice
2 x Viburnum
2 x Golden Cane Palm
3 x Yellow Roses 50cm
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