Let our Melbourne florist create the ultimate romantic gesture with our Blooming Blues Bouquet. Packed with luxurious roses, striking Singapore orchids, delicate magnolia, elegant chrysanthemum disbud, delightful lisianthus, vibrant sea holly, and lovely snapdragons, this bouquet is the perfect expression of love and affection. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions, the Blooming Blues Bouquet will take your loved one's breath away and let them know just how much you care. Say it with flowers and choose our exquisite Blooming Blues Bouquet today.
Consists of:
2 x Little Gem Magnolia
2 x Sea Holly
5 x Pale Pink Roses 40cm
2 x Pink Disbuds
5 x Blue Blue Orchid
5 x Pale Pink Lisianthus
5 x White Snapdragons
2 x Mauve Chrysanthemums
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