Make every moment unforgettable with the Big Blooms Pastel Passion Bouquet. Our captivating collection of flowers, including carnations, chrysanthemums, gum, gypsy, roses, and snapdragons, is carefully arranged to create a stunning display of colors and fragrances. Perfect for birthdays, romantic gestures, or anniversaries, this bouquet will embody love and celebration in every petal. Experience the convenience of our same-day delivery service, ensuring that your thoughtful gift reaches your loved ones across Melbourne in no time. Let our skilled florists help you create a memorable and special occasion with this breathtaking bouquet.
Consists of:
3 x Gum
3 x Pale Pink Carnations (Sim)
6 x White Snapdragons
3 x Pale Pink Chrysanthemums
4 x Pale Pink Gypsy
4 x Pale Pink Roses 50cm
Market fresh flowers sourced daily
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